LGBTQ & Intercultural Resource Center

Programs and Events 

Student Coordinator

Sept. 2016 - Sept. 2018

Supporting the LGBTQ and Intercultural Resource Center required a mixture of assignments including events, social media, development opportunities, and ultimately engaging with the students and larger University communities.

Simultaneously leading RU Pride and supporting the Center allowed for collaborative opportunities to maximize on engagement with students.

During these two years, the Center developed a wide-range of events that met the diverse needs of the student population on campus.  From smaller events serving niche populations, to greater involvement like the Newark Pride March and the Northeast LGBT Conference, the Center maintained an inclusive approach for all students.

Serving in this role, I supported the Center through organizing events and initiatives that center around diversity, equity, inclusion.  Whether by collaborating with student organizations or community-based agencies, or facilitating dialogue around cultural dexterity, restorative justice, and more, this role required the ability to multitask through an accommodating approach.